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Dangerous article warehouse

Dangerous article warehouse

To improve dangerous goods logistics service by securing dangerous article warehouse which can accommodate from class 1 to class 9 dangerous articles mostly from Yeosu National Industrial Complex.

Enhancement of transshipment competitiveness to encourage shipping companies to utilize Gwangyang Port

To improve transshipment service by providing dangerous cargo T/S service to liners calling Gwangyang port

Project Overview

  • 2 dangerous article warehouses, high pressure gas building, outdoor depository and office building
    - Building area / total floor area : 2,838.98㎡/3,012.08㎡
    - Structure and floor numbers : steel frames and reinforced concrete, 2 above ground floor
    - External finishing : Sandwich panel(warehouse), granite stone and clay brick(office building)
    - Auxiliary facility : access road, parking space and green zone
    - Project period : May. 2011 ~ Oct. 2011 (6months)
    - Operator : Daepyung Co., Ltd.

Bird's Eye View

Bird's Eye View